Saturday, December 23, 2006

Kim and Louis Wedding

Well I had my last wedding of the year. It was up at the Hotel on Mount Charleston with the first snow fall of the year. The location was beautiful, but it was obviously pretty cold. Kim and Louis are a wonderful laid back couple and I know they are going to have a great life together. I wish them all the best.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Jennifer and Greg

Well unlike some part of the country where the weather turns ruff in the winter we can just keep on going here in Vegas. This was my second to last wedding of the year though. Jennifer and Greg were married out at Nellis AFB. Jennifer is stationed up in Alaska and Greg is training to be a pilot. After the ceremony we went out to the golf course and had a little fun. They are a wonderful couple and I wish them the best.

Michele and Paul

I had another Mount Charleston Engagement. This one was actually the same day as Kim and Louis I am just a little behind on getting them uploaded. I really like do them up there because it beats the heat somewhat in the summer and just gives you a little variety from all the congestion in Las Vegas. It is nice having such a great location so close to the city. Paul is a big San Diego Chargers fan so he is tops on my list right now. Go Chargers!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Kim and Louis Engagement

I did the engagement shots of Kim and Louis the other day. We had a fun time up on Mount Charleston. They are actually getting married tomorrow at the Hotel on Mount Charleston, so obviously there will be more to come.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Jon and Jenna

I had another wedding out at Nellis AFB recently. It was a wonderful day and Christie from CLM Weddings did a great job transforming the chapel and O'Club. Good luck to Jon and Jenna in all they do.