Saturday, November 03, 2007
I just wanted everyone to know I have actually moved my blog to a new location and changed the look quite a bit. Please stop by my new blog and see what is going on with me and my fun weddings in Las Vegas. Blog Link
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Fun in the desert
Well as my last post mentioned we had a large wedding photography convention in Las Vegas last week. It was a great time. Right before the convention I got a chance to go out to the dry lake bed with some photographers that came into town. We took some motorcycles and a couple beautiful women and went out for an afternoon of fun. Below are a couple images from the shoot. My bike is the one on the far right in the first picture. The gorgeous lady in the black top is Jeanie Ow a wonderful photographer from British Columbia, Canada and the other young lady is a local model.

Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thousands of photographers descend on Las Vegas
Well I had a great week. This week was the Digital Wedding and Portrait Photographers Conference right here in Las Vegas. Part of the conference took place at the Westin Hotel and the other was across the street at the Bally’s Hotel and Casino. I have gone before and it is always a great experience. Thousands of photographers from around the globe descend on Vegas to share knowledge and learn new techniques to help improve the industry and give better service to all our clients. It is wonderful to get the chance to get great inspiration and knowledge from friends and world renowned photographers like Parker J. Fister, Jennifer and Steve Bebb (recently named to the top ten best photographers in the world list), Joe Buissink, John Michael Cooper of AltF Photography, The Boutwell’s, and Many more. It is a blast when all your friends from all over the world come into town at once.
I took a lot away from this conference. I learned a lot about better business practices, but more importantly I realized I have to push the envelope and really develop a style that not only appeals to me but will also appeal to the clients I am seeking. If I can give one bit of advice to a bride groom looking for a photographer it is find someone that fits with you. Someone that not only produces images you enjoy, but also has a personality that matches with you. As a photographer I feel I am a very large part of the day. Most times I am with them more than anyone else through the getting ready, ceremony, and reception. You need to know that you are all on the same page and will have a great time. If you are with someone that has a polar personality it will put a strain on the day. Throughout the day I like to have fun and make jokes and have a very enjoyable experience. I have been very lucky and had wonderful clients that have been the same way. In the end I really do not try to seek out new clients what I prefer to do is develop new friends. How can you not have a great time hanging out with your friend all day?
I took a lot away from this conference. I learned a lot about better business practices, but more importantly I realized I have to push the envelope and really develop a style that not only appeals to me but will also appeal to the clients I am seeking. If I can give one bit of advice to a bride groom looking for a photographer it is find someone that fits with you. Someone that not only produces images you enjoy, but also has a personality that matches with you. As a photographer I feel I am a very large part of the day. Most times I am with them more than anyone else through the getting ready, ceremony, and reception. You need to know that you are all on the same page and will have a great time. If you are with someone that has a polar personality it will put a strain on the day. Throughout the day I like to have fun and make jokes and have a very enjoyable experience. I have been very lucky and had wonderful clients that have been the same way. In the end I really do not try to seek out new clients what I prefer to do is develop new friends. How can you not have a great time hanging out with your friend all day?
Monday, March 12, 2007
Well another NASCAR event came and went here in Vegas at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. I love shooting these races. It is probably because of the racing I use to do when I was younger. Yeah I had a little problem with speed when I was young. It would be a blast top actually get paid to do drive at 185 mph. Oh well it is not half bad to have a job that I can take pictures of it. Of course as you probably already know Jimmie Johnson won the race again. He has been dominate out there the past couple years.